My shot

On July 8, 2020, I was supposed to read in the first online edition of the Brockton Writers Series. This was a huge deal to me and an incredible honour to have been chosen. I was incredibly anxious in the days leading up to the reading. A few hours before, my chronic illness reared its ugly head and reminded me that it is in charge, despite my best efforts, and sent me to bed instead of a Zoom stage.

A few days prior, I watched Hamilton with my family. As I lay in bed, sick as a dog, I kept thinking of the song, My Shot, which goes, “I’m not throwing away my shot…” – except in my head, my words repeating as if on a loop were, “I am throwing away my shot.” I was devastated and remained so for days afterward.

The thing is that, as with most things in life, there is little sense in brooding about missed chances especially while there are so many other opportunities. Tomorrow night I’m performing in a staged reading of Cloud Nine with Alumnae Theatre. I’m arranging rehearsals for Introducing My Crazy in the Northumberland Players Shorts Festival. And just this afternoon, I got an email advising that my short play, It’s Friday at the beginning of June, in the year 2020, was accepted to StageWrite Burlington’s Virtually Yours 3.0.

So I could continue to beat myself up about something I cannot change or I can choose to move on and focus my energies on my current projects. I choose the latter.


This week

It’s been a very exciting week for me and the week to come will be as well.

Yesterday, I learned that my short play, “Introducing my Crazy” was selected to be a part of the Northumberland Players Summer Shorts Festival. I’m looking forward to directing again and hoping to be cast in one of the other scripts. The beauty of live theatre pivoting to online means that there are so many more opportunities to perform as well as sharing my work.

A few days ago, I was very excited to find out that I got cast in an audiobook. The details are hush hush for now, but rest assured that I will spill the details as soon as I am able to do so.

The past three days have been filled with rehearsals for a staged reading of “Blue Stockings” with Alumnae Theatre’s Cyber Reads which is being performed on Monday at 7pm via Zoom. I have the joy of playing three different parts and I’m having so much fun. If you are interested in watching the show, let me know and I will forward the Zoom info.

Lastly, and certainly not least, on Wednesday, I will be reading at the Brockton Writers Series via Zoom. It’s been a year since I was asked to participate and I’m very much thrilled to be included in such a distinguished event. Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to read.

For more information on these and other upcoming performances, check out the Performances and Readings section of my web site, which is updated regularly.